“Do you have time to read the tutorial to learn something?” NO!
“Do you want to learn via video tutorial by YouTube?” NO!
Are you looking for someone who teaches you online?” YES!
Then you are coming to right place; we are team of educators teaching and assisting people online by virtual learning environment (VLE). Our professional assistant will connect to your computer from his computer via internet and teaches you whatever you need to know. We are CHARAG, THE LIGHT!!!
People are looking for something new and different; as today if something happened around you, its expected to happen and if its not then people say “WOW”, What’s that?. If you are different from others sometime it difficult to manage e.g. genius like Einstein; he started speaking late in his childhood and people around him unable to understand; reason being he was genius and to understand genius you need to be genius. The difference between you and others defines you, WHO YOU ARE! , that’s why we are looking for different people to work with us. The sea cannot be transformed by single drop of water as it requires billions or zillions of water drops to transform into a sea.
Few years back there was an article published in the news that some guy spend whole month in his home without coming out of his resident and he work and bought things via internet! Some people didn’t believe while others start building website and portals to sell things online which rise to online business and young entrepreneurs. Next thing heard people started make email to stop using mails. The hotmail and yahoo was on everyone lips. The internet was suddenly hit by search engines to search people online and Google was the search engine. YouTube, Online games, Computing, Blogs and Forums are nothing new to people who are using internet.
Business on internet with Ad sense, feeds, Advertiser and Publisher etc ; Get rich by subscribing to our email, pay via PayPal or donation to website by wire transfer. Earning cash is not easy today offline or online. We are entering the era of Digital Life, a life you spend online in which you read news online, chat, read blogs, play games, cooking books, buying stuff online etc, this is your second life online hidden from reality. Some people share it and some fake it. The cyber crime law and other things are on your way to hold your hands entering into other environments.
Virtual world is also a similar term which is present but do not exists because once you shutdown your system it’s finished and once you come back online it’s present but physically its not present near you.
Virtual Learning Environment is getting people who are professional to work which we hired and trust worth and we have their detail to catch them for any misconduct because these people represent a professional team which connect to other computer to team them; user will allow us to work on their computer via internet remotely. Its not hacking into someone else computer without knowing as a professional person will work on your computer remotely to help you fix the problem virtual via internet from any part of the world.
Hire an Online Teacher through our website Charag.com; Looking for someone to teach your child maths online without sending him to institute and saving traveling expenses.
Multimedia Designer – You need more designing concept, share your idea and implement it online with help of some professional online.
Personal Assistant or HR – Working on some documents and required assistants or finding some people online and require guidance
Engineers or Doctors – Helping you in studies, researches, medicine etc
Trainers – Exercise help? Or require any software training?
In Short, there is a huge scope of working online as many people already doing it, you can also do it by working with us together to develop a system to teach online people things rather then wasting time online click adds or playing games.
All you require is a potential candidate which is looking for assistant or training and willing to pay online and learn online by professionals. Once you have a candidate which is learning online by charag authorized professional, you will get 25% of share for each hour your candidate learns online something new and unique. The 25% share you will get each time your candidate use our services of virtual learning. 50% share we are paying to our professionals who working with us, while 25% share is paid to our Team and development work.
Come and Join our multilevel educational system through which you can earn $5 for every four hours for your each potential candidate who using our virtual learning environment (VLE). The future to work and learn is online and internet is the way to go make money from your home.
If you are in Africa, you can find your potential candidate in Australia or Singapore; else you can be in India and your candidate can be US or Canada; This business is all over the world but you have to register your city to work on it from any where in the world. If you have selected your city London then you will only find your potential candidate from London and no other city in the world. So other also get chances to get their candidate to earn money via CHARAG.COM
We are looking for professional marketing team to work online and offline to gain market and profit for you. Believe in your self and other believes you; believe in our product and customers will believe in you!
15 September 2009
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