Fair & Square? Wheels of reformation Thursday, July 31, 2008 By Mian Saifur Rehman Is there a wheel of fate like wheel of fortune?...

Fair & Square? Wheels of reformation Thursday, July 31, 2008 By Mian Saifur Rehman Is there a wheel of fate like wheel of fortune?...
Shab-e-Miraj "The Night of the Ascent," commemorating the occasion when the Prophet Muhammad was taken into heaven and granted a ...
Welcome ppl, Last month, we have 21 people visiting this blog .... and this month, we have data of 364 visits from 72 cities from 26 countri...
Man showing fireball art in Islamabad, Pakistan
This picture shows the location of the "Rocky Belt" which shows the moon was once split The unbelievers of Makkah said to the prop...
Geotag your site, your blog, your RSS Feed or generate your KML. Geotagging is a growing method of finding and relating sites on the web geo...
UAE tops in providing luxury to expatriates By Shakir Husain, Staff Reporter Published: July 25, 2008, 23:41 Dubai: The UAE offers the m...
Symbios.pk aims to provide all the electronic brands in cheaper rates then market, with original warranty. You can purchase mobile phones,...
93% Feel that American men are getting fatter 81% Think that celebrity gossip is for women 69% Are concerned about the effects of global w...
Men like younger women Men hate chick flicks Men are eager to cheat Men are intimidated by intelligence Men are intimidated by success ...
S'pore professionals expect a big incentive to jump ship 40% want a pay hike of 20-30% - figures mirror trend in Asia By Chua Hian Hou...
1) Balochistan deserves its gas-royalties 2) Sui itself should be supplied with gas; 3) Thar coal should be exploited to create a mega-p...
The day you born, you might not remmeber The day you die, the die will be glimpse of your life. The happy moments and the sad, you can ima...
Let’s take a look at the ten most common pitfalls of flying budget airlines. 1. Fare higher than the price advertised: First, the adverti...
In Pakistan where inflation is running at about 20 per cent, led by fuel and food prices. Soaring food prices and shortages of staples me...
The web as is stands (Web1.0) is seen as a "static" thing, like a billboard or a magazine. You can see lots of billboards, buy lo...
Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) promotes the Pakistan IT industry as the destination of choice for global IT Investors. PSEB website a...
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