It was bound to happen - they have hacked just about everything else. Now it's the cell phones. Cellphone hacking has just recently surfaced and been made public ever since some one did some cellular phone hacking on Paris Hilton's cell phone. This article will give you some information about what is going on out there and what you can do to better protect your cell phone information.
What Does It Involve
The fact of someone hacking cell phone became public knowledge when Paris Hilton's cell phone, along with her information was recently hacked. Unfortunately for her, all her celebrity friends and their phone numbers were also placed on the Internet - resulting in a barrage of calls to each of them.
Secret Mobile Phone Codes
The following screenshot explain how you could use a Linux fedora core 3 running the program “” to hack via Bluetooth into Nokia 6600 (Other version will also work but require minor program modification.
by A.Varin Khera
by A.Varin Khera
1. Start the Bluetooth Hardware from your Laptop (ie. - FN + F5 for IBM laptop)
2. Start the service for Bluetooth on your Fedora Server
(See Below:)
(See Below:)
3. Load the Bluetooth Module (Required for Bluz)
4. Bind the Bluetooth Device to the Computer rfcomm0 port
(make sure the port is being created if it’s missing)
(make sure the port is being created if it’s missing)
5. Modify Parameter in the Program “” and run the
6. should find the
Mobile Devices (Phone, etc) which has Bluetooth enabled
Mobile Devices (Phone, etc) which has Bluetooth enabled
7. Connect to the device Found
(in a binding Manner) and start extracting information from device (phone must
(in a binding Manner) and start extracting information from device (phone must
8. Reading and Sending SMS (The messages must
still need to be converted to appropriate character)
still need to be converted to appropriate character)
9. Extract Last 5 dial, missed and
received calls. (This require more program hacking to be successful)
received calls. (This require more program hacking to be successful)
10. Adding entries into the Phone
book and reading the first 5 entries in the phone book (require more program
book and reading the first 5 entries in the phone book (require more program
11. Making a call from the mobile
(can be useful for spying on someone)
(can be useful for spying on someone)
12. Program Terminated (THE END)
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