Talib-ilm means student according to urdu language and http://en.wikipedia.org/ do not havemeaning in it however, the word "ilm" means knowledge, and the word talibisation meaningcan be group of people joined together in search of knowledge (ilm). However, in the media,the word talibisation become terrorism while the word, TALIB in urdu word means studentor person who seeks knowledge (above explanation is given to understand Urdu Language forthose who dont know the pakistan is hit by terrorism so must understand the word meaning in the their language before you believe the media! )

Pakistan is a country made in the name of Islam which can survive all religion people in the state.
Whats is Taliban meaning according to the book
Taliban - a fundamentalist Islamic militia; in 1995 the Taliban militia took over Afghanistan and in 1996 took Kabul and set up an Islamic government; "the Taliban enforced a strict Muslim code of behavior"
according to http://en.wikipedia.org
Talibanisation is a neologism coined following the rise of the Taliban movement in Afghanistan referring to the process were other religious groups or movements come to follow or imitate the strict practices of the Taliban. In its original usage, Talibanization referred to groups who followed Taliban practices such as:
1)usually strict regulation of women, including forbidding of most employment or schooling for women;
2)the banning of long lists of activities generally tolerated by other Muslims -- movies, television, videos, music, dancing, hanging pictures in homes, clapping during sports events;
3)the banning of activities (especially hairstyles and clothing) generally tolerated by other Muslims on the grounds that the activities are Western;
4)oppression of Shia, including takfir threats that they convert to Sunni Islam or be prepared to be killed;
5)aggressive enforcement of its regulations, particularly the use of armed "religious police";
6)the destruction of non-Muslim artifacts, especially carvings and statues such as Buddhas of Bamyan, generally tolerated by other Muslims, on the grounds that the artifacts are idolatrous or Shirk (polytheism)
7)harboring of Al Qaeda or other Islamic militia operatives;
8)a discriminatory attitude towards non-Muslims such as sumptuary laws against Afghan Hindus the Taliban regime enacted, requiring them to wear yellow badges, a practice that reminded some of Nazi Germany's anti-Semitic policies
Taliban movement
according to http://en.wikipedia.org
Talibanisation is a neologism coined following the rise of the Taliban movement in Afghanistan referring to the process were other religious groups or movements come to follow or imitate the strict practices of the Taliban. In its original usage, Talibanization referred to groups who followed Taliban practices such as:
1)usually strict regulation of women, including forbidding of most employment or schooling for women;
2)the banning of long lists of activities generally tolerated by other Muslims -- movies, television, videos, music, dancing, hanging pictures in homes, clapping during sports events;
3)the banning of activities (especially hairstyles and clothing) generally tolerated by other Muslims on the grounds that the activities are Western;
4)oppression of Shia, including takfir threats that they convert to Sunni Islam or be prepared to be killed;
5)aggressive enforcement of its regulations, particularly the use of armed "religious police";
6)the destruction of non-Muslim artifacts, especially carvings and statues such as Buddhas of Bamyan, generally tolerated by other Muslims, on the grounds that the artifacts are idolatrous or Shirk (polytheism)
7)harboring of Al Qaeda or other Islamic militia operatives;
8)a discriminatory attitude towards non-Muslims such as sumptuary laws against Afghan Hindus the Taliban regime enacted, requiring them to wear yellow badges, a practice that reminded some of Nazi Germany's anti-Semitic policies
Taliban movement
The original Taliban movement was born in Waziristan and other areas of Pakistan's Pashtun belt in the 1990s, and took power in Afghanistan with support from Pakistan's military. After Sept. 11, when the United States went to war against the Taliban for hosting Osama bin Laden, Pakistan's leadership was forced to go along, but the conditions that gave rise to the militant movement remain unchanged in Waziristan.
In 1998 Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid described groups "along the Pashtun belt" who were banning TV and videos, imposing Sharia punishments "such as stoning and amputation in defiance of the legal system, killing Pakistani Shia and forcing people, particularly women to adapt to the Taliban dress code and way of life." In December 1998 the Tehrik-i-Tuleba or Movement of Taliban in the Orakzai Agency ignored Pakistan’s legal process and publicly executed a murderer in front of 2000 spectators Taliban-style. They also promised to implement Taliban-style justice and ban TV, music and videos In Quetta, Pashtun pro-Taliban groups "burned down cinema houses, shot video shop owners, smashed satellite dishes and drove women off the streets". In Kashmir Afghan Arabs from Afghanistan attempted to impose a "Wahhabi style dress code" banning jeans and jackets. "On 15 February 1999, they shot and wounded three Kashmiri cable television operators for relaying Western satellite broadcasts
(read more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talibanization)
Taliban movement in Pakistan
While it was widely expected that the ouster of the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001 would lead to a reduction in Islamic radicalism in neighbouring Pakistan, the opposite seems to have happened. With Taliban and Al Qaeda supporters seeking haven in Pakistan, their radical supporters, particularly in the tribal areas (FATA) and elsewhere in the North-West Frontier Province and in Baluchistan, have risen to challenge the writ of the Pakistani state. These areas bordering Afghanistan are now becoming progressively Talibanised.
Who is joining Taliban movement
Only a few relatives who left Waziristan for schooling are managing to build careers, in cities in Pakistan or the Persian Gulf, Ali said. "The rest are killing their time, hanging out and drinking tea," he said. When Islamic militants come to town, preaching in the mosques about jihad and glory, "boys with no education and no plan for their life are happy to join," he said.
In the past year, the army has tried at times to soften its approach by building roads and schools. "The army's slogan is 'We bring you development,'" Khan said. "But they are not winning the trust of the tribesmen."
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PESHAWAR: Creeping Talibanisation following the five-year rule of an orthodox government in Pakistan’s restive North West Frontier Province (NWFP) has shut nearly all doors on women’s sports. Girls who have talent and inclination towards games and whose parents also have no objection are frustrated as segregation is almost total and there are no exclusive facilities for women to pursue any outdoor activity. Faiza Khan, a talented athlete, came to Qayyum Stadium for practice after her teachers convinced her parents to allow her to participate in sports. However the sight of some male players and a few spectators offended her parents who had come to drop her there. They left the stadium in anger along with their daughter.
ISLAMABAD: Red Mosque: a link in the talibanisation of Pakistan
The mosque had been taken over by militant Muslims demanding that Sharia law be implemented in the capital. The takeover appears to be part of the talibanisation of Pakistan, a country that is one of the United States' partners in the war on terror.
KARACHI: “There is no evidence of Talibanisation in Karachi,” the home minister told journalists. “As long as no one is involved in criminal activities, they will not be evicted from the city.
In an interview with BBC Pakistan, Moulvi Omar spokesman of Tehreek E Taliban Pakistan admitted the presence of Taliban in Karachi and Sindh. Tehreek Taliban threated to take Swat Revenge in Karachi. Taliban warned if operation continues against them in Swat, NWFP then they will take over the control in Karachi.
Pakistani Taliban vow to strike
Violence has surged in Pakistan recently with the military battling Al Qaida- and Taliban-linked fighters in three areas in the northwest, and sporadic missile strikes, attributed to the United States, also aimed at militants. Pakistani militants have responded to the military pressure with suicide and remotely detonated bomb attacks on the security forces and civilian targets.

After the military operations and killings, a new phenomena of radicalisation has emerged in Pakistan. "What they call Talibanisation is actually radicalisation and is happening because innocent people are being killed. In addition to the Taliban, criminal gangs are also involved in the resistance against the army whereas local tribal people are also joining them seeking revenge for the killings of their near and dear ones in military operations and bombing."
Motto of Pakistan Talibsation
enforcement of Sharia laws
Islamic banking, TV channels against Shariah, declare religious scholars
Describing the existing Islamic banking by any name as against the Shariah and forbidden, religious scholars belonging to Fiqhi Majlis, Karachi, have decreed that banks working in the name of Islamic banking are not different from other banks and dealing with them is illegitimate
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